Today's Solutions for Tomorrow's Risk Management Challenges

Strategic Risk Advisors approaches challenges with a completely open mind "thinking outside the box" instead of using the common solutions. We strive to provide high-quality solutions to increase your efficiency and productivity.

About SRA - Strategic Risk Advisors

Our organization is dedicated to providing independent objective advice to help companies manage risk. We evaluate, advise and consult on how to best balance your cost-benefit position to best manage risk inside your company.  We can analyze and evaluate:

  • Evaluate current insurance and Benefit Programs for cost-effectiveness
  • Assess if current programs adequately provide protection to minimize your exposure to risk
  • Alternative funding options for potential losses other than insurance
  • Help you prepare for acquisition, spin-off, public offering or other major strategic business opportunities

Inadequate insurance protection could be devastating to your organization. The ever-changing insurance industry and explosive litigation growth are two reasons to have your programs reviewed regularly. An independent risk management consultant can serve as your company's part-time risk manager or assist in special insurance and risk management related projects, improving your bottom line. Strategic Risk Advisors can help you identify exposures and develop solutions in a wide range of areas including:

  • Property & Casualty Insurance / Risk Management Programs
  • Claims Management
  • Professional Liability & Other Specialty Programs
  • Cyber Liability / Privacy Programs
  • Directors & Officers Liability
  • Employee Benefits & Retirement Plans
  • Workers Compensation


Why Strategic Risk Advisors?


With over three decades of global experience in the risk management field, we have developed strong working relationships with major insurance agents, brokers, and underwriters throughout the world. We take pride in our experience, relationships and hands-on philosophy, along with our extensive knowledge of the risk management and insurance trends and changing market conditions.

The cornerstone of Strategic Risk Advisor's approach is to maintain a high level of credibility within our clients' organizations, as well as with insurance markets and service providers. We provide superior communications and an environment conducive to favorable interaction between the insurance marketplace and our clients.

Strategic Risk Advisors looks at your total business needs and tries to effectively identify, analyze, evaluate, implement and review risk management and insurance programs to protect your business.

We operate with the following objectives in mind:

  • Control exposure to loss
  • Protect assets in the event of loss
  • Decrease costs
  • Provide objectivity

Our priorities are to identify and assess specific exposure challenges quickly and to develop high-quality, practical solutions, which can be implemented realistically and cost-effectively.


Strategic Risk Advisors

100 Inland Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30342

P. 404.276.7475

F. 404.478.6864



Insurance Management

Cyber Risk

Claims Management

Employee Benefits & Retirement

Workers Compensation

Special Projects

Is your company at risk? Get a free consultation to find out.

Contact us today for a free initial consultation to talk about your risk management programs and how we can help.